It’s been a long, long time since I did a reader Q&A on this site and, after being inspired by a post on Wait but Why?, I decided it was time to do another reader mailbag! So, I sent out a call on my newsletter for questions, and got a few hundred! Some of them were personal questions I answered over email, some require long posts that I’ll write, I saved some for a part 2, and some are here now!
I thought this would be fun and questions range from travel to politics to science to the zany! So let’s get to it: (Note: some people asked the same questions, so I lumped their names together!!)
I don’t eat ice cream anymore (I know. I’m crazy.) but, when I did, I used to love mint chocolate chip and eat it like it was my job! That stuff is DELICIOUS! Also, Ben and Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cup. MMMM. I hear they don’t make that anymore, which is sad.
I think it is an antiquated system that has no place in the modern world. While I don’t think we should go stripping royal families of the world of their money, I often wonder why taxpayers in many nations still give royal family stipends. They often serve as great state ambassadors but why give them taxpayer money? While I love the idea of the “benevolent ruler”, in practice, it has rarely ever happened. As Churchill said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the rest!”
That’s because we make it so difficult for Indians to get a visa and come to America. We make it expensive and put onerous restrictions on them so they do the same for us. It is just a tit-for-tat thing.
That’s because we make it so difficult for Indians to get a visa and come to America. We make it expensive and put onerous restrictions on them so they do the same for us. It is just a tit-for-tat thing.
Коментарі (3 прокоментували цю публікацію)
05.10.2016Tesla Demo
05.10.2016Tesla Demo